Everything valuable starts with a
Sati was founded in 2015 with the purpose of assisting in human, professional, and organizational development through training and development programs. We carry out programs and research for organizations based on cutting-edge studies in psychology, management, and neuroscience.
Sati is a word from the Pali language, spoken 2500 years ago in the region of India. Its translation would be mindfulness, the ability to direct our consciousness to the present moment, along with the quality of wisdom and compassion.
Consulting & Training
Research related to
Mental Health and
Psychological Safety at Work
We can help your organization build a healthier, more creative, and more productive environment. The following surveys were prepared from scientifically validated scales, which provides robustness in measurements and reliability in the results.
Consulting, Training
and Development
We develop consultancies and programs related to Mental Health, Leadership and Team Development. The format and duration can be adapted according to the organization's needs.
"Conscious leaders are focused on people and not on themselves.
They inspire, promote transformation, and bring out the best in the people around them."
Raj Sisodia